Trey Gardner CEO of GreenGeeks Interview on Web Hosting Services

Posted on the 14 December 2021 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Hey guys I am back again with amazing interview. As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have Trey Gardner CEO of GreenGeeks who have huge experience in affiliate, SEO & hosting. He will be answering various questions related to hosting & why you should choose GreenGeeks as a hosting partner.

Q1) Please introduce yourself and share your experience in hosting industry ?

My name is Trey Gardner, I am the CEO & founder of GreenGeeks which has been in existence since 2008. I have been in the web hosting industry in various capacities since 2000.

Q2) Give me 3 solid reason why you started an hosting company Greengeeks?

I had been in the industry since 2000 and I saw where companies I worked for had made good and bad choices for their organization and I wanted to take my experience and build a better web hosting company.

I also wanted to showcase that our industry is becoming a major polluter and I wanted consumers to know about going green with their websites.

Q3) How you bear the competition in the market as hosting market is crowded and lot of competition is there ?

Read Review of GreenGeeks Here

There is a tremendous amount of competition in the market place but the industry is less fragmented than it used to be with the acquisition of so many webhosting companies by EIG. We compete against their brands as well as the larger player GoDaddy by having better customer service, uptime & features.

Q4) Why bloggers should use GreenGeeks as compared to other hosting services ?

Bloggers love us especially those using WordPress. Our servers are always updated with the latest installs and security features and our staff are well trained to support bloggers with their websites.

Q5) What kind of brand promotion activities you are doing for GreenGeeks ?

We have a number of initiatives for our shared, reseller and VPS hosting services. Current promotions are 20% off a consumers order when they use the coupon TODAYOFFER.

Q6) How your life changed as an entrepreneur's. How many hours your work daily or weekly ?

When we started GreenGeeks I personally worked over 100 hours a week. As our staff grew and more people could handle some of the tasks I managed my hours became shorter where I now work roughly 40 hours a week.

Q7) How you try to balance between personal life and work life, as it is very difficult to do business while maintaining personal life?

It's difficult but you make the time. I have 2 children who need my time and attention and I also like to remain fit. I take time for my children when I can and for getting in a decent sweat each day to stay healthy & alert.

Q8) which is your favorite social media channel for generating leads for GreenGeeks.

All social media is important but we've had good luck with Facebook with some of the promotions that we run through that site.

Q9) Why you think bloggers are best for brands to promote their services & products. And how bloggers can make money from GreenGeeks ?

Bloggers tell a real story, and they use personal experiences to ensure that their audiences are getting straight facts from them. Most people know how to sniff out an honest blogger and use their advice when making decisions.

Q10) What do you want to say about my blog. How do you feel about my blog BloggersIdeas. What is best & worst in my blog ?

First off you will see that BloggersIdeas is a well laid out website and that people can easily find information through the site structure. The content is rich as are the visuals to help compliment the stories. Obviously with the testimonials about the use of BloggersIdeas the site and the ideas within have helped many people.

Do you have any Questions to ask, how is your experience with GreenGeeks please share in the comments below Dont forget to share this awesome interview in social media. I will be pleased if you share this now !!! Cheers!!! Join BloggersIdeas on Facebook, Google+ & Twitter 🙂