If you do not know who Tomi Lahren is, she became the passively racist voice for the white millennials of middle America. She has hateful views that are more preposterous than they are laughable, she actually inspired my personal quote, "every time a dumb blonde speaks, Sarah Palin gets her wings". In my opinion Tomi Lahren is an airhead. She is a miniature Ann Coulter (however you spell it) but not as polished in her own idiotic beliefs. She couldn't answer one question Trevor asked with a sound answer. You dont have to take my word for it, get into this video...
If you do not know who Tomi Lahren is, she became the passively racist voice for the white millennials of middle America. She has hateful views that are more preposterous than they are laughable, she actually inspired my personal quote, "every time a dumb blonde speaks, Sarah Palin gets her wings". In my opinion Tomi Lahren is an airhead. She is a miniature Ann Coulter (however you spell it) but not as polished in her own idiotic beliefs. She couldn't answer one question Trevor asked with a sound answer. You dont have to take my word for it, get into this video...