
By Eteclea @eteclea2

Hi Everyone! 

Sorry I have been slacking lately in updating my blog, I had a pretty rough week, but hey I’m back! I may not Blog every single day and post like a 100 looks per week but at least each of my posts are from my heart and not  just for the sake of how many posts/looks I have had each week. I try to blog not only about fashion or styling but share some meaningful experience behind it as well.


So this one’s going to be a heavy post, just a head’s up!

Why tres? Because I am going to show you 3 styling looks for this Black/Gold Glittered dress I got from SugarLips. This dress is called ” The One Last Dance Dress”, and yes the name says it all because when I was wearing this dress it really made me feel like dancing and pull out some flamenco moves! ;) Ole’!!!


Close up of the dress without Accessories.

First look: Wild Child (90’s era inspiration)


Spanish dance pose? LOL


The Back, oh how I love backless dresses just gives that feminine touch!

Paired with wetseal belt, and dominique heels by Jeffrey Campbell

I love how flow-y this dress is! and the wind’s cooperated! :)

The 2nd look: Ride like the wind (80s era inspiration)

Paired a cropped leather Jacket.

I love playing with this dress! and Those ruffled details are just astonishing!

My bf who took this photos said I look like the terminator with this outfit! I couldn’t agree more! haha as long as It’s bad %%%!

Aside from the leather Jacket I also had my cat-eye glasses on, as you can see it’s rounder than the usual CE glasses which is not a bad thing! :)

I also had the ZigiNY simone pair on, one of my fave booties! Because they’re as high as the JC dominiques! <3

This look kinda reminds me of audrey hepburn on steroids! Ha! :D

3rd Look: La Isla Bonita (inspired by Madonna and Spanish traditional looks)

shoes by Kivol.

Belt: Vintage thrift.

Glasses: Ice

And this is the end of the post, I hope you found some helpful tips about styling this dress or any similar ones you have. Until next post :)

