Trendy Toddler: petiteBox

By Verybusymama @verybusymama

This week I am very excited to bring you a review of petiteBox.
Much like GlossyBox and Birchbox where you are sent a box of beauty products each month to try, petiteBox is a mom and baby box full of premier products tailored to each stage of your pregnancy and development of your child.
Now, before you get excited, there is nothing baking just yet, but I would very much like there to be. We are working on growing the family and when I received my box today it brought back all those "baby" memories...and I think I'm ready to do it all over again.

For $25 a month (you can cancel your subscription at any time) you get 4-7 items personalized to to meet your needs and stage in pregnancy. I admit, I was a skeptic, but if you think of everything you buy before your baby is born and then during, the price is reasonable.
You could say it is part of the "nesting" we do before hand. I personally like trying products and with PetiteBox you get a chance to experience products that you may otherwise have never come across or even thought of buying.
I do feel the Weleda products were too "samply" sized and that they should be a bit bigger. Other than that, everything else was well sized including the Earth Friendly bubble bath, the soft blankie, set of two MAM dummies/pacifiers and a pack of cleansing towelettes from MD Moms.

The box itself is of great quality and can be re-used for storage or as decorative piece for your room or bathroom.
Right now, petiteBox have a special promo code valid through the 31st of May to receive 20% your subscription. Just use LAUNCH2012SF at
So what do you think? Is it something you would consider? I think a subscription makes a great present for a new mom - the boxes are tailored for babies up to their first birthday. I definitely like it!
Now back to our regularly scheduled Trendy Toddler! You know what to do...
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Keep an eye out because Very Busy Mamá has teamed up with Alex of Medicated Follower of Fashion to co-host Trendy Toddler Tuesdays. We are working out the details, but don't you worry, we will let you know where the party will be each week!


*I was not compensated for this review but I was sent a complimentary petiteBox. All views my own*