Trendy Toddler: NEXT Kids Navy Printed Cagoule

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
FINALLY got internet at our new place! Took long enough no thanks to Comcast.

Anyway, after a very long break from Trendy Toddler Tuesday I am back - although I am thinking of sharing the linky with three other interested bloggers so we each do one a month...any takers? A special shout out to Alex of Medicated Follower of Fashion for being a great support and hosting it on her site as well as Angela of Mum of Three Boys - GRACIAS ladies! And I know this link up doesn't get tons of love, but it's cute, I enjoy it and who doesn't like to show off their little ones every once in a while?! This week, Little M is showing off his new Navy Printed Cagoule from NEXT Kids in the UK - I was (am) a big fan of NEXT and was a loyal customer throughout my six years in the UK. After Little M was born I did snag some trendy pieces there and was always satisfied with the quality and fit.  The Navy Printed Cagoule is only £14, has a fleece lining and will be PERFECT for the autumn. It is still boiling hot here in the US, so he can't wear it out in this heat - poor little guy would melt away.  So here he is reviewing his new jacket in both English AND Spanish!
See why I love Trendy Toddler Tuesday so much?!

I know this is late and you may not have done a post, but if you want to share your kiddies cuteness this week please do link up and let me know if you want to share this linky with us. 

The link up rules

1. Display our badge on your post or blog and link back to us. I ask that you please do this :) 

Grab the button,
show your style and link to us!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Photobucket" border="0" src="" " target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Photobucket"></a> 
2. Don't be shy, tweet me to let me know you have linked up so I can RT @verybusymama or #TrendyToddlerTuesday on twitter and instagram 3. Please comment after you leave your link  4. Visit other blogs and remember link is open through Saturday

Have a great week! **I was not compensated for this post but sent this jacket to feature on Trendy Toddler and as part of the NEXT Blogger Network**