Trending Vending Machine Lets Your Print Oreos

Posted on the 13 March 2014 by Anna Peterson

A technology design firm and innovation lab, MAYA Design, created a “Trending Vending Machine” that lets you customize your own cookies via social media. Sounds unreal? Oreo used this technology not too long ago to print out cookies and served them at the SXSW.

Create your cookie, print it out and eat it!

The machine uses a technique similar to a 3D printer and all you need to do is select your cookie preferences from a touchscreen panel. Enter a flavor and color combination and wait for the TVM to print out your cookie. You can choose from four patterns and 12 flavors available, among which are banana, mint, lime and birthday cake. The whole process lasts under two minutes and it’s free for event-goers, but we don’t know when and if it will be available for the general public. For now, you can follow the activity and progress of the TVM via Twitter – just use the hashtag #eatthetweet.

If you want to use the TVM on a daily basis, you’ll have to wait a bit longer.

B. Bonin Bough, the vice-president of the multinational Mondelez International (a snack maker), claims that technology has the potential to revolutionize the food industry and that this is just the beginning. “Hungry? Plug in your printer and print it out,” said Bough. “We might actually be getting there … McDonald’s might actually go into the printing business.”

What are your thoughts on 3D food-printing?