Tree Fu Tom Live, aimed at 4 – 8 year olds, is set in an enchanted world where movement creates magic. Tom appears to be a normal boy but putting on his magic belt and performing a special sequence of magic action-movements known as Tree Fu sees him transform into a mighty magical super-hero.
Follow Tom, Twigs and friends on an action packed adventure through the magical world of Treetopolis! After finding a dusty old treasure map, Tom decides to follow it and see where it leads - but it’s not an easy route! Tom and his friends must travel through wild weather and stop the mischievous Mushas who are making trouble. Will Tom save the day? Will he find the treasure? What will the treasure be? Come along and find out!
Tree Fu Tom Live is full of fun, music and laughter and Tom will certainly need your help to do the Tree Fu moves that could help save the day.
Be part of the Magic! To book tickets for a show near you, please follow this link.