Tree Following September 2024

By Ozhene @papaver

They think its all over...

well sadly it is now - as the famous quote nearly goes. Yes my dear reader this year is quinceless; the last vestige of hope has fallen from the tree and I am, quite frankly, disappointed. Oh I will recover from the disappointment obviously, to quince or not to quince is hardly of the highest priority in my life. The more important measure is how delighted I am when one of the Quince Brothers does achieve a quince. Maybe next year I will reach this moment, maybe next year. I had a look back and this is first year without any quinces for quite some time so I have to put this failure down to my bad pruning earlier in the year taking strength away from the tree when it needed it most: in the preperation time. This in itself gives me hope for next year; hopefully normal service will be resumed which may only be a harvest of one or two but that is good enough.