Tree-following: Red and Green

Posted on the 14 August 2021 by Hollis

Both trees I'm following this year are red and green, but in different ways. Last month, Flash the maple was covered in green leaves and red samaras. The samaras are still red but looking duller. And the leaves are starting to turn red. It hasn't been cold, not even close. Could this be due to heat and smoke? Or maybe just normal life for Flash.

Spike the hawthorn still has rich green leaves, while the young emerging leaves are reddish. No flowers or fruit this year, but that's fine. Having nearly died (or so it looked!), Spike is to be commended for the healthy shoots and foliage.

Fresh young hawthorn leaf, with ant.

This my contribution to the August gathering of tree-followers. Thanks to The Squirrrelbasket for hosting!