Tree Following October 2023- Last Quince Standing

By Ozhene @papaver

Well in truth its not the last quince standing. For one thing it is hanging on and for another there is another one hanging on, but....

let's not focus on 'but' yet. Let's focus on the beautiful ripening quince high up (too high up) in Quince Major's branches. Look at it, it is such a wonderfully plump shape. You cannot see from here but the skin has a light fuzz and if we could get closer I would be hopeful that its glorious scent would be there.

There is, lurking behind the larger quince, a less plump quince. A less plump quince that appears to have stopped growing and is probably going to fall off any time soon. It is impossible for me to photograph as it is so hidden in the leaves, but it is there. The smaller quince may pull through and I hope it does, I really hope it does. If it does not make it to ripening then it has still been a good quince. It has kept the larger quince company all these months.

Will it get through to ripening........ time will tell.

The forest of followed trees stewarded by Squirrelbasket can be found here.

Take care and be kind.