Tree Following March 2021 - Nearly.....

By Ozhene @papaver

Here we are, waiting at the gates of Spring with our faces pressed hard against the bars trying to get the first glimpse of the joys that await.

The Quince Trees are always ahead of the game for Spring and like to start growth as quickly as they can. As said previously this can make them more likely to succumb to frost damage, and is a risky tactic it does mean they give a lot of pleasure for a lot of the year. We are still having frosts at the moment and may do into late April, hopefully each day into March is a day further away from Winter and into Spring. Some people call Spring on March 1st (meteorological Spring), I am more of a 'wait until the equinox' sort of person and think we start Spring on 21st (give or take) March.

The sun is starting to have a hint of warmth and there have now (finally) been some good gardening days when the ground is not too rain sodden or frozen and it is possible to be outdoors until the light starts to dip closer to 5pm. Longer days are pure joy.

The sight of life returning is always one of the most magical moments in the garden. Whilst the garden never truly stops, seeing the tips of green starting to appear on the branches is permission to exhale as we can see that Winter really will come to an end. Winter often feels long and I have certainly felt this Winter has been the longest I can remember. I am pretty sure that this is not just gardening related....

So now I shall be inspecting the Quince Brothers, looking for the changes as they start to unfurl their leaves and develop the blossom buds. I will be anxious when it gets colds and gently (not that gently) removing greenfly and pests if I see them in profusion. I shall build a lot of hope into these trees this growing season and hope that both fruit and the desired outcome of enough for one jar of Quince Jelly will be achieved. (anything over one jar is a bonus!)

and for those of you with long memories: the apple and quince crumble is still in the freezer waiting for when the Covid restrictions relax and a family get together with both my children is allowed. It will be the celebratory crumble - with custard - of course.

Until then, stay safe and be kind.