Tree Following March 2017 - a Little Late

By Ozhene @papaver
Last year spring arrived rather early, this makes this year feel late, when I think it is actually probably more like it should be.  This means that the quince tree is now suddenly starting to produce leaves.
The two quince trees, that I know should be one but I am seeing them now as quince-major (primary, original quince) and quince-minor (Johnny-come-lately), are getting that haze of green.
Quince-major is well on the road to developing blossom now.
I stare at the branches willing the blobs of green to become quinces.  Each one is a potential quince-let.
Quince-minor is not so far along.  This gives me already the concern that if they do not blossom at the same time how can my self-fertilising trees benefit from the cross-pollination I am hoping for?
See, as one worry ends another takes its place.  Life is ever thus.
Que-cera etc.  Time will of course tell.  Thanks as ever to Squirrelbasket for hosting the forest of followed trees.