Tree Following - December 2022

By Ozhene @papaver

or something in rotten in the heart of Leicester*

Ah my dear readers, the December Tree Following update finds me with one singular, out of reach, rotting quince. I stand underneath and look up. I wonder why even the squirrels did not want it. Such a shame, such a waste. Is this the final cruelty of this year's Quest for a Quince? Is this the Quince Brothers saying: "look, we gave you a quince, we grew you this quince, we bore this quince and nurtured it and looked after it and you have let it decay". All of which I can only agree and hang my head in shame. There is nothing in their cries that is not accurate. I will carry this guilt, this knowledge and wonder if the Quince nymphs will punish me next year? Will they turn their backs on me and withhold any chance of a quince? Is this going to be my Promethean punishment, handed down for not respecting the great gift I was given?

Sometimes I wonder if I over think this.....

Take care and be kind.