Treat Your Body Good

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I forgot to mention that I had pineapples and papaya that I also carried along to work with me to snack on when I got hungry last week.

All I do is eat fresh fruit, vegetables and legumes.

Not everyone is able to tolerate or adapt to the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle.

However, it is very important to eat healthy and take good care of one’s body no matter what type of food one eats.

Every now and then we may desire something sweet that may not be healthy for us. Everything should be done in moderation.

These days we have items of non-dairy ice cream and pizza alternatives that are very tasty and not too bad as far as nutrition goes.

To each his or her own.

Whatever one does be good and honor one’s self. Our body is a sacred temple that we should constantly love and respect.