Treat Petite June 2014

By Cakeyboi

Another month brings a new Treat Petite theme!
Thank you to all who took the time to enter in May – check out Kat’s post for all the entries over at The Baking Explorer.
Well, this is my first month of hosting, that there hasn’t been some sort of event going on i.e. Halloween, Christmas, Valentines or Easter! So what theme will I spring on you all (and it's NOT the World Cup!)?
You may have read my last post on the Clandestine Cake Club event I recently hosted. The theme I chose for that particular event was ‘Childhood Memories’. And I loved how it got all my fellow cake clubbers to be very creative, so I am going to set you the same theme. But, of course, no cakes allowed in Treat Petite!

Childhood memories could be a bake you remember eating when you were a child, or something you used to make with a relative. Or you could even incorporate sweets from your childhood into the treat. Or even base it on a favorite TV show, toy or pop group you loved as a child.
Take a look at the cakes at the meeting here, to get you inspired.
Here’s those all important rules…
Treat Petite is for all of those delicious bites, which can be individually portioned. Tray bakes are fine, cookies, cupcakes, brownies, macarons and so on. No cakes, puddings, loaves – you get the idea…here are those all-important rules.
  1. Email us by the 25th of the month,midnightat the latest – include in the e-mail your name, if you have a blog the URL of your post and name of your blog, recipe and a photo (640x480pixels max) of your bake.
  1. If applicable post your bake onto your blog and link back to Cakeyboi and The Baking Explorer, stating who is hosting that particular month.
  1. Follow Cakeyboi and The Baking Explorer blogs via the Google Join this Site button, if you haven’t already.
  1. If you tweet use  #treatpetite and mention @MrCakeyboi and @BakingExplorer – we will retweet

  2. Add the challenge logo to the post and ‘Treat Petite’ as a label to the post

  3. Use any recipe as long as the source is noted
  1. Add your photo to the ‘Treat Petite’ Pinterest board (request access from me – Cakeyboi)
  1. Feel free to enter old posts as long as you update the post and meet all the requirements above!

Above all else – have fun!!