Treat Petite August - Round Up

By Bakingexplorer

The theme for this month's Treat Petite was The Great British Bake Off (GBBO) and anything made on any previous series could be submitted (as long as it was given the Treat Petite treatment!) Bake off fever is continuing to sweep to the nation and I love seeing everyone's 'bake alongs'. It's such an inspiring show, and I hope you're as equally inspired by the wonderful bakes below...

Pebble Soup made this gorgeous Tear n Share Crossaint Crown. Crossaints featured in the final episode of last year's GBBO and this take them to another level by stuffing them with tasty ham and cheese.

Only Crumbs Remain made these beautifully golden Mini Madeiras. Flavoured with lemon, they are a classic bake and the full size version featured in episode one of this year's GBBO.

I was also inspired by episode one of this year's series, and I gave the showstopper a go, but in miniature, with these Mini Black Forest Cakes which were my first attempt at Black Forest flavours and left me wondering why I hadn't done it sooner!

Baking Queen submitted these dainty Mini Damson Madeira Loaves which are made with damson's picked from her garden. I love the burst of deep purple against the golden sponge.

Photobrook Photography was brave enough to given the technical challenge from this year's biscuit week a try and made these fabulous Arlettes. They look wonderful and I'm seriously impressed!

Sweet buns featured a few years ago on GBBO and Tin & Thyme made these stunning Liskeard Buns inspired by local history and tradition. Don't you just want to dive into this photo and grab one?!

Biscuit week was certainly popular this year and Foodie Quine made these Gingerbread Biscotti complete with tiny gingerbread men sprinkles to decorate. These would make an amazing gift at Christmas!

Belleau Kitchen made some melt in the mouth Orange Blossom Chocolate Creams which look incredibly pretty and after they won first place at a local village show I know they would certainly be welcome on GBBO!

I absolutely love Cake Of The Week's Sour Cherry & Pistachio Crocodile Biscuits, they are so much fun! She found the crocodile cookie cutter on a recent trip to Sweden.

My Treat Petite co-host Cakeyboi was inspired by a Ben & Jerrys ice cream flavor to make Classic Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Oatmeal Cookies. Get me a glass of cold milk and a plate of these right now!

Finally from The More Than Occasional Baker we have more delicious biscotti with her Chocolate, Orange, Almond & Cranberry Biscotti. They sound scrumptious.
Thanks to everyone who joined in! Check out Cakeyboi for next month's theme annoucement soon.