The ghost was easy enough! The mad scientist was pretty easy, after a trip to dad's closet to steal a dress shirt & a tie, we found what we lacked at wal-mart. Deano's Robot on the other hand was a bit more involved! A box, a can of spray paint, some water bottle lids, some old head phones, & a calculator later we were a robot!
Now, I'm not what you would call a "handy guy!" but I think we did pretty awesome. It wasn't the most functional costume in the world as mom can attest to picking him up out of a random families flower bed after a fall & what looked something like a turtle's attempt to get off his back! If I was there at that time there would be a pic on here of it but for my sake, deano's sake, & DHS (who probably would have gotten a call if other parents saw me out there snapping photos while he was crying on his back helpless in a flower bed!) I'm glad I wasn't there. Thanks for reading & thanks for visiting my blog after the hiatus!
Making A Robot!
Halloween 2012