Trdelnik: Prague Christmas Market

By Smartgirltravel @SmartGirlTravel

Trdelnik.  Sounds like turd, tastes like heaven.

Prague Christmas Market is one of the loveliest Christmas markets in the world. They have the most mouthwatering spiced apple cider and there’s a sweet smell of cinnamon in the air. The pretty lights emulate the true meaning of a traditional Christmas and spinning Trdelnik pastries fill the market stalls.

Being somewhat immature (and proud), I couldn’t help but notice that the warm Trdelnik treats at Prague Christmas Market sounded and looked a little bit like sugary turds. You may (or may not) distinguish the similarities, but you won’t be able to deny just how delectable they are.

Trdelnik sweet pastries are traditional Czech Republic treats made from delicious dough wrapped around a stick, ready for spinning on an open fire. Brushed in a sugar and walnut mix, and then grilled until crispy on the outside and slightly gooey on the inside, Trdelnik is seriously satisfying to tuck into.


The curled up shell tears apart to bring little bites of heaven which are irresistibly warm and crispy. Perfect for a cold December day, and even more rewarding when washed down with a mulled wine at night.

Prague Christmas Market runs every year in the beautiful Old Town Square (Staroměstské Náměstí). Here you will be surrounded by Romanesque, Baroque and Gothic buildings which add that special fairytale wonder to the market stalls and Christmas lights.

If you missed the market this year, make sure you plan a weekend to Prague for Christmas 2012 – it’s a winter wonderland – and I promise the Trdelnik will change your life.

Mags x