Travel Theme: Benches (from the Photo Archives, Russia, 1989)

By Marney @marmiscellany

At the collective farm, near Krasnodar, Russia

This photo is one of my favorites of all my photos. While studying Russian in Krasnodar, my study group toured a nearby collective farm, saw their operations, ate fresh bread, and drank some kumiss, which is fermented mare’s milk and definitely an acquired taste.

The collective farm, like many collective farms, had a combined old folks’ home and hospital. I took this photo of a nurse, a doctor, and a resident sitting on this bench just outside the hospital. I love this photo for so many reasons: the expressions on their faces; the generational aspect; and the three different hairstyles, three different styles of dress, and three different ways of sitting on a bench.

For more great interpretations of the this theme, visit Where’s My Backpack.