Travel Meaningfully with Globedrop

By Latitude34 @Lat34Travel
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Travel Meaningfully with GlobeDrop

Travel is not only an amazing way to see the world but a powerful tool to not only educate yourself about the people and cultures we share this planet with, but to interact with them as well. With the surging emergence of websites like Air BnB and Couchsurfing, the traveling community is coming together faster than ever – so why not lend a helping hand at the same time?

Ever been traveling through the depths of Brazil and walked by a struggling elementary school and felt the urge to help in some way? How about traveling through a small village in Cambodia that clearly lacked basic supplies? Now, thanks for a great new organization called GlobeDrop, helping those around you on your travels is as easy as a few clicks, to find out just what you can do and exactly what is needed.

I really fell in love with traveling after volunteering around the world post natural disasters. One of our biggest problems on the ground after a tsunami in Thailand or a typhoon in Bangladesh was trying to manage the influx of supplies from large humanitarian organizations. Unfortunately we always dealt with the same issues – the supplies being donated were not always those most needed on the ground.

GlobeDrop offers a simply and easy to use website which allows either an organization or traveler to easily find out what is needed and where as well as to list all the specific items a certain school, organization, village or hospital might need.

I remember working in a school in the southern Philippines that was destroyed after a terrible typhoon years ago and feeling the urge to help buy supplies for the sweet children who still showed up every day even though their school was in pieces. I took the long bus into town and purchased all the office and school supplies I could carry without knowing what they all needed most. Now thanks for GlobeDrop, I can easily find a way to truly make an impact on the ground while traveling in the future – all over the world.

Check out their short video below to see exactly how their system works and how you can help. This is not a sponsored post, I am in no way affiliated with GlobalDrop and was not paid to write this article. Sometimes it just pays to help highlight a new organization in hopes of connecting well intentioned travelers around the world with the organizations who really need their help – and isn’t that why we are all doing this in the first place?

Travelers – How to Use GlobeDrop from Charlie on Vimeo.