Travel Essentials for a Vegan Coffee Addict

By Natalie Tamara @thetofudiaries

I’d been planning to share these little treats in my February monthly round-up, but they’ve both become such staples for me over the past month or so that they seemed worthy of a post of their own.

Making a fresh cafetière of coffee in the morning is somewhat of a ritual for me. It’s the first thing I do when I arrive at work in the mornings, the way I start my day at home at the weekend and something I look forward to in the mornings when I’m traveling. Whilst part of it is no doubt caffeine-related, more of it is about the chance to take a little bit of time out of your day to reflect and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Needless to say, whipping up a fresh vegan coffee with non-dairy milk (for me, it’s gotta be coconut in coffee) is pretty easy to do. But on the road, it’s a different story.

Fortunately most apartments and hotel rooms do at least have a kettle most of the time on holiday, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll have any other equipment to hand, plus popping out for a bottle of plant milk isn’t always possible and even if you find some, it’s not much help if you’re staying in more than one location during the trip or don’t have a fridge. On the flip side, the cost of going out for a morning coffee adds up pretty quickly.

Which brings me nicely onto my two travel essentials as a vegan coffee addict:

  • First up is Press’d, an Arabica liquid coffee concentrate that is basically real coffee disguised as instant coffee as all it takes is a quick squirt added to hot water to create a very decent cup of coffee. Press’d comes in little bottles that make the perfect travel companion since they fit well within the 100ml carry-on limit for liquids and each bottle can make sixteen cups so one little bottle would be ideal for a two week trip. It also comes in three flavours that are all vegan-friendly: caramel, vanilla and Columbian.
  • Next up is Whity vegan coffee creamer. Since black coffee isn’t really to my taste, after a lot of research looking for a dairy-free coffee creamer, I finally settled upon these sachets from the Viva store (I only bought mine last month but they look to have had a redesign since then!). The little sachets are so effective and portable that they’re not only perfect for travel but I’ve actually started keeping a couple in my handbag at all times.

Do you have any vegan travel essentials that you always carry?