Sealyham Terriers who are prize winner at the Crufts Dog Show Feb 13,1930 | Veale
St. Bernard, Moltie Mallone with baby John Hughes at Crufts Dog Show, London, Feb. 10, 1937 | Becker
Champion Bloodhound Leo at Crufts, Feb 2, 1935 | William Vanderson
Founded by Charles Cruft in 1891, who worked as a manager in the dog biscuit industry, the Internationally known Crufts dog show showcases competitions in dog agility, obedience, flyball and heelwork to music (also known as dog dancing). The event also features a trade show in canine goods and services.The first Crufts show was billed as "Cruft's Greatest Dog Show" and as held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, in 1891. With almost 2,500 entries with 2,000 dogs, the event began to grow to over 3,000 entries and rose to popularity until Cruft's passing in 1938. Charles' widow, Mrs. Cruft ran the show for four years until the demands were exceeding. It was then to ensure that the reputation and the show's future would remain true, was sold to the Kennel Club who's hosted the events annually.
Smooth-haired Dachshunds at Crufts, Jan 29, 1971 | Victor Drees
Miss Vlasto with three Borzol dogs in exhibition ring at Crufts, Feb 1924
A judge inspects the contestants West Highland White Terriers, Feb 5, 1965 | Roger Jackson
Miss D. Bush with her Dalmation at the Crufts Dog Show, London, Feb 8, 1939 | J.A. Hampton
Mrs. Crufts presents trophy to Mr. H.S. Lloyd for his Cocker Spaniel, named Champion of Champions,
Royal Agricultural Hall, London, Crufts Dog Show, Feb. 10, 1938
West HIghland Terriers being transported to the Crufts Dog Show balanced in a pram in their kennels | Ian Showell
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