Another year is upon us and, therefore, the time for another Transpose. So please grab your diaries and make some space for an evening of trans artists and friends making beautiful things to raise money for an LGBTI charity – the fantastic health and well-being organisation PACE.
Transpose: Cinematic Edition
March 3rd, 18:00 – 22:30
The Cinema Museum, SE11 4TH
£5 on the door – all profits to charity
Adding to our usual format of coffee+cake+wine+flirtation, we’re taking advantage of our incredible location to shine the light on trans filmmakers. Wresting control back from the typical ‘tragic trans narrative for cis entertainment’ documentary is our headlining act, My Genderation.
The wonderful Fox and Lewis (from Channel 4′s My Transsexual Summer) are going behind the camera to create a unique film documenting the true diversity of trans lives – trans people celebrating trans people, with nary a ‘sit in front of mirror applying make-up to sad music’ shot in sight. Get your questions ready for the Q & A session following the screening of material so far – and maybe stop by the video booth to make your contribution to the project.
Jason Elvis Barker
Also on a cinematic theme will be the work of filmmaker, artist and comedian Jason Elvis Barker. He’s recently performed at the Tate Modern and the Schwules Museum in Berlin. He is also one of the programming team of the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Jason likes corduroy, slippers and proper puddings with custard. He dislikes it when people’s noses whistle when they are sitting next to him in the cinema and doesn’t understand skinny carrot jeans.
As usual, I’ll be providing the ‘sit quietly and feel thoughtful’ acoustic music – and I’m delighted to be joined on the singer-songwriter side of the night by Wild.
Photo by Oskar Marchock
Wild has long played guitar and written songs. First composing and performing live for theatre, Wild finally stepped into the spotlight last summer as a singer and songwriter. Drawing strong influence from folk, country and blues, the poetry of Wild’s songs is deeply shaped from a love of nature and the wilds, and bringing their stories to life. When out of the woods and in the city, Wild is creating acoustic/electro fusions with singer and producer JMOMCOCO in Ret+Blu.
Of course, the main reason for the event is to give me an excuse to shake you down for money to help support LGBTI people in need of healthcare, advocacy services and victim support – so, once again, we’ll be holding an auction. No kisses this time round, but if you’ve got something you’re able to offer then please drop me a line at – for my part I’m donating a course of singing lessons and a coffee + book date at Foyles – I fill you full of coffee, you tell me what books you like, I buy you a book and we eat cake to celebrate. I’m also offering cover songs for £10 each – 4 songs up for grabs (feel free to record) – email me to let me know what you want.
The Cinema Museum is wheelchair accessible (with a wheelchair accessible toilet – for some reason some venues don’t include both?) – and the standard door policy applies: don’t make assumptions and please be excellent to each other. You don’t have to be trans to come along – just a wonderful person. So come along, bring your friends (bring LOTS of friends) – and help us have a wonderful time.
Filed under: alternative music, London, trans