
By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Symptoms Of Voodoo/Black Magic by misslatoya

Athie Dews said 2 days ago

Someone please help me! My children and I have just recently had to move in with a man that wants to force me to be with him. He recently bought me a 2 litter soda, I seen him take the soda in the kitchen. Very quiet and quick. So I asked him did he get me something to drink? He then went on the porch to bring me a cup of that exact same soda filled ice. I asked him where did he get that soda? He told me he poured it on the porch and he had NO VALID reason to do that. I did sip the soda but then I thought about it and I went to pour it out and rinse the cup and pour me new soda. Later that day he gave me a watch. I thought it sweet until I woke up this morning scared. And I felt darkness around me like spiritual darkness. I don’t sleep in the room with him. I took the watch off as I was reading these signs and I’m sending this message but I’ve been blocked from my dreams and that’s where God talks to me and 70 percent of the signs I’ve just read in this article I’m experiencing. Please tell me wat to do. I love GOD and Jesus Christ.

You said 1 day ago

The first sentences are interesting as it reminds me of a dream that I had about a month ago about a lying, unattractive slut bitch that had to move in with a guy because he was withholding her money from her and she was doing whatever she had to do to get her money back and I thought it was good for her as she was no good. He must have a lot of dirt on the weak bitch if she had to move in with him and couldn’t make it any other way.

You know, undesirables have worked negativity on me for years out of jealousy and I was never affected by it their black magic/voodoo/witchcraft never did anything to me mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually, I mean I’ve always known and felt what they had done because I have a gift but they were all too stupid and dumb to realize that they could not hurt me at all. I was too smart, too strong, too spiritual.

They may have delayed certain opportunities within the past with their spells having an affect on others and through blockages but that didn’t even stop me as I still accomplished goals by getting the jobs that I wanted and making good money, living peacefully, and enjoying my life and blessings because I am a good and very unique individual that no one can stop or destroy.

I have so much love around me I always did I never had to go out to find love. I am a very honest person, I’ve never been on drugs or alcohol or had the desire to, I never ran around with men I never desired to I am very attractive and guys always ran after me , however, I didn’t want any of them I am asexual and proud! And I didn’t need God in my life to be this way I was born this way.

And my entire point is that I was always my own individual that never got mixed up in the ways of the average range of society it wasn’t within my nature. Yet I notice that many that have gotten caught up within the perils of society claim to be with God or run to God when they hit rock bottom and I guess because God’s standards are so low that he accepts anything no matter who they are or what they’ve done just as long as they obey him in the fashion that he sees fit.

I’ve never had these problems and I don’t gravitate towards God my Ancestors and Orishas have always had my back and have protected me and they wouldn’t just accept anybody If I wasn’t the genuine person that I was we wouldn’t have that alignment and balance and as my head Orisha unfortunately doesn’t have the power to create (because if so the world would be a better place) he does have the power to destroy, and I like that.

If you love God and Jesus so much why don’t you go run to them for help? Many keep hollering about their problems but if God is their number one source why are they complaining?

God is not my number one source and I am not complaining at all as what is around me never let that black magic/voodoo/witchcraft shit snatch me in it’s trap.

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