Translations – a Call out for a New Art Project

By Cnlester @cnlester

A friend of mine is teaming up with the wonderful photographer Ajamu to create/curate a new project – I can’t wait to see the finished result. Please spread the word as widely as you can – and sign up? Details:

Translations: Portraits of Trans, Gender Variant and Intersex People of Colour.


This project will show the variety, beauty and importance of the lives of Trans, Gender Variant and Intersex People of Color in the UK. There’s no one experience, all the participants tell their own stories and determine their own images.


We are male, female, transgender, no gendered, mixed gendered, genderqueer, intersex. We are much more.


We are here.


This groundbreaking project is seeking people for photo shoots and interviews.


You’ll need to be able to travel to London for photo shoots and video interviews in July. We’re seeking funding to cover travel expenses .We would also like to interview you either in person or by email/Skype/phone in June.   You’ll be contributing to the biggest ever project of its kind in the UK and telling your story, anonymously if preferred. To get involved, ask questions, email me, Camel Gupta at:


Who is a Person of Colour?

People descended from anywhere in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Indigenous peoples of Australasia, the Americas, the Islands of the Atlantic, Indian Pacific, and Roma Sinti (and) Travellers. We explicitly welcome mixed heritage people.


Translations is curated by Camel Gupta and Ajamu

Camel Gupta is an Asian British Trans Man. He’s been an activist on sexuality, gender, mental health, race and ethnicity for more than a decade in LGBT, bi, trans, queer and Asian and black community settings.

Ajamu is a London based fine art photographer whose work has been shown in galleries, museums, and alternative spaces worldwide and work has been printed in a wide variety of publications.

Examples of his work and CV can be viewed at


Translations PoC at:

Filed under: trans