Last Tuesday afternoon, 1 November 2022, I surprisingly got a call from a friend living in California. He told me that there is a message in the WhatsApp group of WTT India called Radhamadhavam (this being also the name of the assembly hall for teaching and spiritual activities in Master Kumar’s house).
Guru Prasad, the son of Master K. Parvathi Kumar, had just posted, “Our beloved Master KPK has sailed to higher realms. Master KPK Namaskaram.”
It was a shock. Although I knew that Sri Kumar was seriously sick, he had speeded up giving inspiration and guidance in many directions over the last months. His weekly “Merry Life” talks every second Saturday were brimming with inspiration and wisdom. Although his body was handicapped increasingly by the progressing stages of blood cancer and he was having pain, he kept on a high pace of interacting with members via writing, speaking, teaching.
I found it breath-taking, also what I came to witness from people who visited him or were in contact with him directly. He kept on reacting quickly when I asked questions concerning activities of WTT-Global in a chat group with him. In the last 2 months, he initiated several far-reaching new projects, which he first submitted to us in the “Triangle”, the internal organisational steering team of WTT-Global. We discussed details in a Zoom meeting, and then he presented them to larger circles of members. He contacted members to take over the responsibility for these new projects and gave guidance. As late as September/October, he even conducted the several days’ long Durga Festival and the Festival of Light, Divali, in Radhamadhavam with many participants.
When hearing of his passing, I started functioning in a kind of “auto-mode” for the following days – preparing and sharing communications, speaking with close persons and trying to keep up with other ongoing work and situations. Slowly, more information came in about the situation of Master Kumar in the last time, especially the last day. Guru Prasad, his son, gave a detailed report last Friday night about the disease and the moments of passing. And there were short videos and photos of the final rites, the cremation of the physical sheath of the Master last Thursday, and now about the 10 days of traditional rituals done after a passing. At the moment, Guru Prasad is on a journey bringing the ashes of Master KPK to sacred rivers in India.
Cropped photo of a member
After the first shock, there were intense experiences of the sublime presence of the Master and joy. And the feeling of a new cycle starting. Gratitude filled my heart. Last Wednesday and Saturday evening in my German and English online study groups, we exchanged about the situation, and the members expressed their experiences. It was a very profound moment of sharing and meditation. Some had been in e-mail contact with the Master until the last days before his passing. The members of the group had similar experiences and we all felt a profound bond of connectedness. Yesterday, a friend who participated in the group exchange wrote: “It feels so good to go on all together this way. A big hug for all, Namaskaram.”
Today is Sri Kumar’s anniversary. He was born on 7th of November 1945 in Vijayawada, a Wednesday at 07:20 AM in the month of Scorpio. Through him manifested a great amount of global goodwill work; therefore, we celebrate the 7th of November in his honor as “Day of Goodwill”. He now concluded his journey on earth after 77 years. Our acts of goodwill, together with the regular prayer/meditation and self-study, are the best ways to pay homage to him and to keep him present among us.
A small group of WTT members from ANIMA Channel visited Visakhahaptnam in August and recorded a face-to-face personal interview with Master KPK which was just published in the ANIMA channel under the title “Man behind Master”. They shared it today, on Master KPK’s birthday, to honor His life and forever radiant presence, and as a token to the groups.
You find here the video with original sound in English (subtitled in German, French and Spanish) and here with Spanish voice-over.