Transformation Tuesday: Organized Packing

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_

Have any summer travel plans? Like Heather, I too enjoy myself some good travel experiences. But those travel experiences often bring the headache of packing: worrying I’ll forget something or over-packing! Whether you’re planning on packing a large suitcase or compact carry-on, these tips will help you maximize on the amount of space your travel bag offers.

Research - Look up weather conditions and types of activities you’ll be participating in. This will help you decide what types and styles of clothing you’ll need to bring.

Make an Essentials List - Long before I sit down and draft my essentials list, I’m daydreaming about what I want to bring on my trip, as well as stressing over things not to forget. Make a list of your essential toiletries, electronic device chargers (because we can’t live without our smart phones these days), jewelry, handbags, shoes, and clothing.

Lay Everything Out to Evaluate - Once you’ve gathered everything on your essentials list, lay everything out on an open space and begin to evaluate which things you could and could not go without on this trip. Traveling guru Rick Steve’s says it best: “When in doubt, leave it out. Don’t pack for the worst-case scenario. Pack for the best-case scenario and simply buy yourself out of any jams.”

Pack Versatile Clothing Items - Pack items that can go from day to night, cool to warm, casual to classy. If weather permits, pack layers instead of bringing a bulky jacket. Same goes for shoes. Pack shoes that go well with multiple outfits and can go from casual to classy.

Roll Your Clothes Instead of Folding - Rolled clothes take up less space and allow you to easily tuck pieces into open areas. Rolling compresses your clothing down by allowing less space for layers of air to occupy. It’s actually been shown that if you leave your packed suitcase alone to settle overnight, you’ll actually increase your usable bag space by 8%. The power of gravity!

Cool Packing Gadgets - Take advantage of handy packing accessories like compression bags, cube sets, and toiletry organizers. These will help you compress and compartmentalize everything, making your bag a more organized one.

These organized packing tips are brought to you by Paige Norton, Community Manager for the garage storage and organization company Monkey Bars of Phoenix.