This season, viewers were given a simultaneous visual feast on Trammell’s acting chops and hindquarters. His character has shifted *wink* from a major softy to man-on-a-mission against shifter-haters. He reminds us,
[Sam's] two friends who were shape-shifters got shot. Then he got shot. Then Luna got shot. You get mad when you get shot. I say they shot us because of who we are, a hate crime, pretty much—at least to Sam. You can see the good ol’ boys that were doing it, that it wasn’t random, that it was specifically because of who I am.
These life-mirrors are what make True Blood so riveting, in my opinion. The reality of public ignorance is made apparent through fantastic(al) metaphor. Pure genius. And we get some man-butt (which Trammell jokingly has said to have “developed an eating disorder” to maintain in order to keep up with the likes of super-cut Kwanten and Manganiello.)
For more shifter-loving dish, read the full DETAILS interview here.
Source: - “True Blood” Actor Sam Trammell Talks Vamps, Shifters and Nude Scenes
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)