Tram Line No 2 in Belgrade

By Flemmingbo

The best shot I have ever done from any moving sort of transport that did not involve a music festival! Shot at a big roundabout as the sun was setting and just lighting up another red tram passing by in the opposite direction.

We have been in Belgrade for a few weeks and I just realised I have yet to post any pictures. It is a fascinating to be here, totally different to Guanajuato but no less awesome. For one thing, we live right next to a Lord-of-the-Rings style medieval fortress, I kid you not! Much more to come on my blog, for now, lets go on a tram ride.

Tram line no. 2 in Belgrade runs just a few minutes walk from our apartment, and it does a very interesting circle loop around town. So for 90 dinars (less than $1 USD) you basically get a whole inner city sightseeing tour, and an hour of photographing Belgrade from the tram. Charlene is a master of this, she has an ongoing In Transit project and loves shooting from public transport, have done it for years. I mostly sit there observing, amazed at how she sees images in people, reflections, lines etc where I just see…a bus/train/tram etc. Last Saturday I got a taste of how magic it can be. We got on the train about an hour before sunset and the warm orange sun light was beaming like lasers into the tram in between buildings and creating all kinds of in-your-face awesomeness that even a In Transit rookie like me could figure out to point their camera at. That lead to the image above, the best picture I have ever made from a tram, train or bus and one I really like. The following are a few more pictures from that Saturday afternoon and other rides on line 2.

Gotta run, tram line no. 2 is about to depart, all aboard!

A bit of history here, a yellow tram passes a yellow VW beetle and a Yugo car!

Charlene making magic in the late afternoon.

Belgrade and power lines from the no. 2 line tram

Passengers waiting on the no. 2 tram going in the opposite direction.

I call this: The Day I Nearly Got Pancaked By A Tram. I was waiting for the tram in the other direction to come towards me and then this tram came from behind and just about took my left ear off.

At the beginning of our trip, as the tram runs along the Sava river and just before it went under the first bridge the sun blasted into the tram and lit up The Magic One with magic light!

Line 2 on a rainy day

All images shot on Fujifilm X-Pro2