Trainwreck (2015)

Posted on the 19 July 2015 by Real Talk @talkrealdebate2012

Orlando Blooms

Aaron Conners (Bill Hader), the sports doctor, agrees to the interview. Aaron happens to be best friends with Lebron James. Lebron is a Downton Abbey fan who is pretty frugal with his finances (something tells me he wasn’t acting :) ) Soon Amy and Aaron begin to date, much to the chagrin of Amy who like her father detests monogamy or commitment. The film then explores their relationship, including some clichéd themes.

Don Jon

Despite the opening sequence of a young Amy being instructed in the distorted rules of love; the first part fell a bit flat. Luckily it didn’t take long until Hader and James (yes, I am going to praise him-no worries, I have my barf bag ready) entered the sequence of events. Their scenes enhanced and in some ways saved this film from being slightly above mediocre.

Inside Amy Schumer

Similar to Amy’s hit show on Comedy Central, not all the scenes were funny and some even felt too drawn out. I think in part this was due to the overall feeling that the film, at about 2 hours long, was a bit too long for a comedy. There were parts of the movie that I was laughing out loud and then there were parts that felt rushed and unnecessary.


MPAA Rating: R (strong sexual content, nudity, language and some drug use)

Running Time: 124 minutes

My Grade: B


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