Train Mean Eat Clean Green Smoothie

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Green smoothies are finally starting to become appreciated. About time! They are loaded with all the right nutrients that our bodies need & love. I've been drinking them for awhile now and people used to think that I was disgusting for putting spinach in my smoothies. Do they look tasty? NO. But are they? YES! If you're scared of green smoothies, I challenge you to make this one and give it a try!
Train Mean Eat Clean Green Smoothie
I drink this smoothie after my workout a few days a week. It's my favorite recipe, and when I posted it on Instagram last week I got a few requests for the recipe. You ask, I deliver ;)
Here's my "Train Mean Eat Clean" post-workout smoothie recipe!
What You'll Need:

- 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 2 generous handfuls of organic baby spinach
- 1 organic banana
- 1 small handful of fresh blueberries
- 3-5 frozen strawberries
- 2 tablespoons of natural whole almonds
- 1 scoop of protein (I use vanilla flavored whey protein for this smoothie)
Blend everything together, pour & enjoy!
Some helpful tips:

- I use as much frozen fruit as I can so that the smoothie is cold without me having to blend it with ice.
- I use a Ninja blender and that thing is magic, y'all.
- I find it easier to put the milk in first, followed by the spinach. The rest doesn't really matter.
It's so important to refuel & rehydrate your body after a workout. Drink lots of water and get some lean protein back in your system!

Oh and just a heads up for y'all: I won't be blogging Tuesday-Thursday this week. I have my Certified Personal Trainer Exam on Thursday morning, so I'm going to be using all of my spare time to finish preparing for that :) I hope y'all have a fabulous week.
Here's my mantra of the week:

Train Mean Eat Clean Green Smoothie
All positive thoughts, vibes & prayers welcome! Thank you for all of your support via Instagram & Twitter...y'all are the best!