Trailer Alert – Devil May Call

By Newguy

Plot – Terror strikes a suicide hot-line when an obsessive caller turns out to be a sadistic serial killer. A young, blind woman’s last night working the phones becomes a desperate fight for survival when she’s his next victim.

Release Date: Non set for UK


  • Tyler Mane (Halloween)
  • Corri English (Runaway Jury)

Director: Jason Cuadrado

Highlight of the Trailer: Tyler Mane’s screen presence

What Looks Good? Tyler Mane makes for an imposing serial killer

What Looks Bad? It has a large wait for release so maybe it isn’t as good as it looks.

Summary: I am always going to be a fan of a horror film where it is just a crazed serial killer and this looks like it will be that. The blind angle might not work for the genre though.


Will I Be Watching? Yes

Will You Be Watching?

My Anticipation Rating – 60%

My Guess Rating – 60%

Will It Be Number One In UK? – No