Traditions/embrace the camera.It`s Beautiful to Develop s...

By Nonibaumann

traditions/embrace the camera.

It`s beautiful to develop some special family´s a lovely way to create something special in between everyday life routine.
We started with that photobooth snapshots, thirteen years ago, when Andi and I started dating.
A lot of things changed in between that- but all really good ones! 
We are now married already ten years (I can`t believe that, time flies by!) and now there is this little girl living with us..
so it`s already Emmis second turn to take part...
this year`s pictures: 

I hope to have a lot more christmas photo sessions coming up in  the future with these two.There are no words how  I love them! I`m so thankful for having them in my life , they are my better half!
(last year:) Have some happy family traditions!xxx noni
This post is linked up with Emily`s beautiful project "embrace the camera":