In the two years following their self titled debut,Yuck experienced an upheaving line up change. When band members leave an outfit only a couple of years into their career, it can often be worrying, but when the frontman departs, most groups don't survive. However, Yuck's second LP shows that the magic didn't leave with Daniel Blumberg. Instead of leaving a gap, the line-up changes have enabled the remaining members to find more space for their ideas to flourish, and the new Yuck don't seem to be any less brilliant than before.
Subtle, sometimes Bacharach-esque touches of brass shine on 'How Does It Feel', a superb Pastels-like helping of tuneful sadness that delivers a sparkling high point. A far more cohesive record than its predecessor, 'Glow And Behold' is a warming collection of songs from a tight knit group completely at ease with their sound despite the significant departure of their frontman. It may have been a blessing in disguise which has allowed the band to move in a destined direction where they can truly excel. Read my full album review HERE.