Track Of The Day: Mazes - 'Salford'

Posted on the 07 September 2014 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
The British trio Mazes are releasing their third album, which is entitled 'Wooden Aquariam'. It's out tomorrow on September 8. They had quite an eventful time whilst recording the record in New York... "The studio was completely isolated; an idyllic place to make a record. Green, remote, backwatery, fewer distractions... but things made a turn for the worst the night we arrived," remembers singer and guitarist Jack Cooper. "Our van was broken into and gear stolen within an hour of being in New York. Then around three feet of snow fell over night. We had to shovel our way to the studio every morning. It was interesting being snowed in - you get busy and knuckle down."

Completed in just two weeks between the sub-zero conditions of commuter town Cornwall, New York and the heart of Brooklyn, Wooden Aquarium was recorded completely live and laid down entirely onto two-inch tape, and produced by Parquet Courts' producer Jonathan Schenke.  Featuring brilliant guitars, here's the lo-fi, rather Fall-esque post punk dazzler 'Salford'.

SEPTEMBER12 Shacklewell Arms (release party + guests)13 Wakefield, Long Division fest20 Southsea, Southsea fest21 Brighton, Bleach23 York, The Basement24 Birmingham, Bull's Head25 Liverpool, Psych fest