Track Of The Day: Estrons - Lilac

Posted on the 08 October 2018 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
We've waited years for a truly life changing new band. Well, here they are. Estrons have arrived. The amazing Welsh four piece released their long awaited debut album this week, and this is one that you cannot miss out on. Read the full 10/10 review of 'You Say I'm Too Much, I Say You're Not Enough' HERE. The band became hotly-tipped following three years of superb EP tracks and high energy gigs. Now, they have just released the debut album of 2018. A fierce, captivating, and empowering record from a band whose vitalising energy is thrillingly infectious.

The group is fronted by the outstanding talent of Tali Källström, a strong, intelligent female role model who doesn't need permission for anything, along with Rhodri Daniels, who brings savage guitars and intricate notes to the mix. The musical differences between the two as well as their self-confessed love/hate relationship adds fuel to the fire, making for collision of two worlds, and an exhilarating sound that hits even harder thanks to their razor sharp rhythm section.

Not a second is wasted right from the opening rumble of 'Lilac', a boundless joyride of an opener revelling in ferocity, chaos, and rousing hooks that conceal the darkness behind the lyrics. “It’s not all bleak bleak bleak,” says Tali. “That’s not what I’m trying to achieve with the album, I don’t want people to feel just terrible. I want to empower people, and I want to get some laughter.”

Developing their sound over the three years together before recording their first album has paid off, resulting in an impressively accomplished debut. Packed full of raw, passionate music that excites the mind and arouses the soul, 'You Say I'm Too Much, I Say You're Not Enough' brings a gut feeling like no other new band have delivered for years. 2018 is the time for Estrons.