Track Of The Day: Epic45 - 'Weathering' (Bracken Remix)

Posted on the 15 July 2014 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
Here is an absolute beauty, lifted from a brilliant digital compilation called 'Music For A Good Home Vol 3'. The original version of 'Weathering' was originally released about 3 years ago on Epic45's album of the same name, but now enjoys a new lease of life thanks to a lovely remix by Bracken, aka Chris Adams of Leeds indie band Hood. A graceful, soothing and additively rhythmic beauty that glows like hazy rays of sunshine, this fine version of 'Weathering' can be bought along with 30 other tracks for just £7.99, with every penny going to homeless charity Shelter. Other acts who feature include Thought Forms, Six By Seven and Esben And The Witch... Buy it at the Audioscope Records Bandcamp page HERE.