Traces of Industrialization in Canton Glarus: the Upcoming ARTBorghi Photo Exhibition

By Artborghi @artborghi

In Canton Glarus (Switzerland), narrow valleys and mountain peaks are the natural background to dozens of high-tech and traditional industries. Flat, geometric surfaces of metal and concrete hiding the landscape from the sight are far from being alien to the place:  instead, they decorate it for hundreds of years. Industrial buildings often comprise large transparent surfaces, either glass windows or see-through structures: this mirroresque game merges natural and man made landscapes, which become indistinguishable one from each other. Industrial tools and products, steel bars and concrete pipes pop up from grass fields and courtyards in every corner of the valleys, again witnesses of the productivity and labor of Glarnerland. These activities are constantly carried on inside new and old walls, such as in Eternit of Niederurnen and many others.

From 29.9 (6 pm) to 9.10.2016 (6 pm) I will take part of a collective photo exhibition in Zürich. My thema Berg und Tal depicts what is on the top (mountains) and on the bottom of the valleys in Canton Glarus. Come to Photobastei for the vernissage or finissage to meet the photographers! Click on the flyer for more info (in German) or just write me at

No time for a visit? Click here to browse Berg und Tal online

Filed under: conceptual photography, photo lessons artborghi, photography of architecture Tagged: artborghi, florence.iff GAF, gaf9.10.zh, glarnerland industries, lorenzo borghi exhibition, photobastei, Spuren der Industrialisierung