Toyota’s Prius Goes Plural

Posted on the 21 September 2011 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

Back in January we wrote about the expansion of the Prius line and more recently about their imminent arrival in the US. Billboards and commercials (albeit slightly strange ones like the video below) have begun airing this past week with the tagline “The Prius Goes Plural.” In addition to this tagline/motto, the new Prius line has also used the phrase “there’s one for everyone.”

Whether the expanded offerings take hold remains to be seen. However, with gasoline remaining in the $3.50 per gallon and higher range across the US, it would seem that the fuel efficiency offered by the various hybrids – including the long awaited plug-in – provides a nice incentive for car buyers. Stories of diminished battery life may concern some prospective buyers. However, Consumer Reports tested a 10 year-old Prius with 200,000 miles and found no degradation of the battery’s capacity.

The long term impact of hybrids and plug-in versions remains to be seen. As the styles and types of vehicles proliferate, the options should improve even further. We may be heading toward a future where Toyota’s “there’s one for everyone” line actually comes to pass.

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