Toy Review: Kraang (TMNT) by Playmates Toys

Posted on the 03 October 2012 by Comicscritic @comicscritic

Toy Review: Kraang by Playmates Toys

Who knew having a brain was so much fun?

Figure: Kraang
Line: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys
Retail: $8.99 US

Ok. Here’s the thing with me and toys… I don’t necessarily have to be into a “property” to buy some (all) of the figures. If a figure is “cool” or “unusual” enough, I’ll gladly fork over the bucks for it. Likewise, I can really be into a property, but if the figures are stupid, I won’t get them.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles falls into the former category. I’ve never really been into them. That’s not to say, though, I haven’t bought a figure or four (get it? Four?) from any of their toy lines over the years. Specifically, all four of the Turtles as the crew of the Enterprise that Playmates Toys made many, many moons ago. I just never really got into the comics, cartoons or movies enough to care about them beyond a passing interest.

My kids, though, have been watching the new TMNT cartoon on Nickelodeon. They like it plenty, so it’s on the tube frequently. I’ve been “exposed,” as the saying goes. The show is entertaining enough, but I’m not here to review the show, right?

So when I was at my local Target the other day, perusing the toy aisle like a good semi-retired, “no-I-don’t-have-a-problem-I-can-walk-away-from-this-hobby-whenever-I want” collector should, I came across this guy. And right in the shopping cart he went.

The rest of the TMNT figures are ok. Nothing to really right home about. But, this cat? This guy is out there! Which is the reason you’re looking at him right now. Look at him!

I had to use a base from a Wonder Woman figure to get him upright

Unfortunately, Kraang here is a bit flimsy. He doesn’t stand too well on his own. And he doesn’t come with a figure stand, either. Now, look, I know he’s really meant for the kid crowd and he’s meant to be played with (as all toys are) but, hey Playmates… throw in a stand! Would it kill you? I guess this is just one of those figures that “some poses require additional support.”


All that aside, what Kraang does come with is this flippin awesome removable brain. That you can put on your other action figures, a la the facehugger from Aliens. If you haven’t seen the show, or familiar with TMNT, that’s not really what the Kraang are about (settle down all you TMNT purist out there. Your friendly neighborhood jman is just having a lil fun). But, uh… it’s my toy. So, I’ll do what I want.

I don’t think Wondie was too impressed.
Maybe she was pissed bout the stand.

Now that’s what I’m talking about!

Definitely the stand.

Not because I accidently snapped this pic of her
while I “thought” she wasn’t looking, either.

by Fadderly
Just a dude. Telling stories. Raising kids.