Toy Fair 2015- Girl Scout Cookie Oven

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

At the same event where were learned about the new Cabbage Patch Kids line from Wicked Cool Toys, we also learned about an exciting new cooking toy!  No longer will you have to wait for Girl Scouts to knock at your door during cookie season to enjoy your favorite Girl Scout cookies.

Toy Fair 2015- Wicked Cool Toys (CPK/Girl Scouts)

Toy Fair 2015- Wicked Cool Toys (CPK/Girl Scouts)

With this new Girl Scout Cookie Oven, you can make your own!  Wicked Cool Toys worked with the Girl Scouts in re-creating your favorite Girl Scout Cookie flavors.  This marks the first time the Girl Scouts have worked with a toy company in creating something like this.

Toy Fair 2015- Wicked Cool Toys (CPK/Girl Scouts)

This oven is unique in the way it cooks, making the cook time shorter than that of its competitors.  The design is rather cute and the oven is in colors Girl Scouts know well!  Another nice feature on this oven is the viewing window, which will let you see your cookies bake.  It’s also pretty compact!

As far as the cookies go, they don’t look exactly like the cookies we’re all used to. They are smaller than your boxed Girl Scout Cookies.  The taste of my Thin Mint, though, was pretty close to what it should be!  The only thing that was slightly off was the texture.  It was just a little chewier than normal.

Wicked Cool Toys debuted two other Girl Scout related items at Toy Fair 2015, as well.  Both are very functional pieces. The first is a collapsible Girl Scout Cookie Selling Stand.  You don’t need to be a Girl Scout to get enjoyment from this piece.  You could easily use it for imaginative play, too.

Toy Fair 2015- Wicked Cool Toys (CPK/Girl Scouts)

The second piece is the Girl Scout Wagon, perfect for delivering cookies, walking in a parade or going to the park.  I wish I had a reason for a wagon, to tell you the truth, because I think this is so cute!

As a former Girl Scout (Daisy to Cadet), I love anything Girl Scouts and these items are no exception!  For more images of what I saw at Wicked Cool Toys this Toy Fair, check out my Flickr Album!

What do you think of the Girl Scout Cookie Oven, Cookie Stand and Wagon? Share your thoughts below!

February 21, 2015. Tags: toy fair. Toy Fair 2015, Uncategorized.