Toujour Chic

By Heidi @missfinn
"Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin.  That, or a kick-ass red lipstick." - Gwyneth PaltrowI'm a big believer in the power of red lips.  Red lipstick can upgrade your look from very nice to POW!  I also believe that anyone can look good in red lipstick - you just have to choose the right shade.
Whether you are blonde, brunette, have shades of red or strawberry , or if your hair is either short, long, curly or straight, red lips will enhance your look. In fact, it can knock it out of the park!  The perfect shade of red adds a dimension that no other colour does and even better, it looks great dressed up or dressed down. Try experimenting with different shades and finishes until you find the one that's you. It is the finishing touch to an outfit like only the perfect accessory can be.  Personally I think that Angie's dress here is otherwise low-key red carpet, but with her impressive red lips, she has transformed it into sensational red carpet!
"I've lived by a man's code designed to fit a man's world, yet at the same time I never forget that a woman's first job is to choose the right shade of lipstick." - Carole Lombard
If you have fair skin, then coral reds are best for you.  If you have medium skin, then anything from a true red to pinky-cranberry shades suit your golden undertones best.  And darker tones, nothing too bright for you, so a deep rich burgundy or warm brick red work best.You don't have to keep your red lips for night time either.  I used to only wear red lips to add a touch of glamour, but glamour is good for day time too.  Just look at Yasmin Sewell above - her red lips really lift her look here and Gwen Stefani has championed red lips for some time now - she is not often seen without them, no matter the time of the day.Red lips are a great mood lifter too.  The only thing I tend to forget when wearing red lipstick is that it wears off easier than most other shades and touch-ups are a must!
Sources: Garance Dorè, The Sartorialist, Streetfsn, Glamour magazine