Total Civilian Disarmament Was More Popular in 1959 Than Today

Posted on the 25 November 2013 by Mikeb302000
William Shatner in Twilight Zone episode, "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" • Shadow & Substance Politix

While reflecting on the Briggs-Tabarrok Effect, I stumbled across a shocking Gallup survey.  Back in 1959, Gallup started asking a random sample of Americans the following question:

What about the possession of pistols and revolvers -- do you think there should be a law which would forbid possession of this type of gun except by the police or other authorized person?
The question was slightly changed over the years.  Since 1980 it's been:
Do you think there should or should not be a law that would ban the possession of handguns, except by the police or other authorized persons?
The current breakdown is just what Europeans would expect of Cowboy Nation.  Only 25% of Americans say "Yes, should be" - versus 74% who say, "No, should not be."  But if you think this reflects a long-standing American tradition, you're dead wrong.  Back in 1959, the breakdown was 60% yes, 36% no.  Support for gun-grabbing fell almost non-stop during the ensuing decades, with just one odd reversal in 1979.  The full survey history, 1959-2013: