I couldn't resist picking up from the last post about the funny words little kids come up with. Please add yours - they're all so sweet!
When the Little Guy was under two, he had a problem with the "S" sound, although not in a lisping way. So for some reason, strawberries were foobies. and his favo(u)rite dessert was foobies and feem (strawberries and cream). He once said he wanted to be a Paleon Jonny Kiss when he grew up, but the best one was (describing having pins and needles) Mommy my feet are fizzy with stars.
The Man Child confused the heck out of me aged about two when out and about one day. He kept pointing across the road and saying Seek Hannah, seek hannah. We actually had an occasional babysitter called Hannah at the time but I knew it wasn't that. Days later a street cleaner (truck) went past.......
The Queenager called her diaper a bapu, broccoli was boppity and grandma was manah. Explaining the guinea pig's habits to me one day, she said that it was nocturtle.
The best one however, was
"Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Like a spider's dream".