TOS Crew WriteShop Review!

By Upatdawn @lisakeva
I have heard so many great things about WriteShop that I just couldn't wait to try it for myself!
Fortunately, I was blessed to try WriteShop Book C with my 8 year old daughter.
From the Teacher's Guide:

WriteShop Primary is designed for parents to work closely with their children.  As you interact with your child, you help him explore the world of words through a variety of colorful and meaningful activities.  

WriteShop Primary is not meant to be a rigorous writing program.  It is an introduction to beginning writing skills that gives children tools to experience success as they develop the ability to write.  Whether you have a more advanced child or one who is just learning, this program is flexible so students can work at their own level."

The beginning of this book is filled with a LOT of information.  First, there's help to get your child properly placed in the correct level, followed by encouragement to help you teach your child to write, choosing the right lesson plan/lesson pace, teaching multiple children, materials and supplies, breakdown of what will be taught in each section and other pointers.
Phew!  It's a lot of information!  I have to admit that I was overwhelmed with the materials and supplies section.  Though not necessary to do it all, I can definitely see where having a writing corner would be beneficial.  Set up for these sections would be best done over the summer or during times where you can devote extra energies.
The lessons themselves have clear objectives, and well written instructions.  While easily obtainable, the list of materials is a bit of the long side.  Personally, I felt overwhelmed by it, but pressed on none-the-less.
Doing a 3 weeks per lesson pace, my 8 year old and I tested Lessons 1 and 2.
The first lesson is on "Planning the Story".  Included is a fun "Hickory, Dickory, Dock" worksheet that introduces how to answer the 5 W's.  The next activities incorporate the same theme, but by the methods of "Guided Writing Practice" (meaning it IS partent-lead and directed, limited to 15 minutes and geared to modeling proper writing techniques to your child), hands-on activities such as "Brainstorming with magnifying glasses" and a final project of a story puzzle.
In lesson two, "Writing a Mystery", you and your child play detective as you work through making a mini-story detective file mini-book, top secret file and fingerprint detective kit.
My daughter enjoyed the activities and writing assignments and completed them without struggle or complaint.  We both enjoyed our time spent together as well.
I like how the book is scripted.  I like how the curriculum itself encourages the parent to not only work with their children but to encourage them as well.  But, in this season of our homeschool, this curriculum requires more preparation time than I can give.
Again, I think this is a great program, ESPECIALLY FOR KINESTETIC learners.  It just didn't fit our family at this time.
WriteShop Book C Teacher's Guide retails for $32.95 for print, $28.95 for ebook.  The worksheet pack is $4.95 for both versions.
Visit to learn more about WriteShop's other unique writing curriculum and check out sample lessons as well.
Here's what other crew members are saying!
I received a copy of WriteShop Book C and worksheets free of charge in exchange for an honest review.This post written and property of Homeschool Circus and can be found at: . If you are reading this from a source other than you are reading a scraped copy!