Torture for Torture!

Posted on the 09 December 2014 by Technocowgirl @TechnoCowgirl

As the Sun rises on this the 9th of December 2014, C-SPAN is squawking about the release of American torture tactics. The question asked, “Should the Administration release American torture tactic Report”? Many callers of the show, American Voters, hold a split decision; some agree strongly for US torture, many stalwartly disagree with such barbaric tactics. Most Republicans are for torture, not releasing American torture records. Democrats lean more toward the release of torture information, and strongly disagree with torture tactics of any type.

Since the beginning of Government, information, especially war strategic information, has been kept quiet from We the People (need-to-know basis). If we had half the knowledge of Our Government’s actions, D.C would function differently –holding an incongruent Body. The American Government must lie to us. Because, most of us would not tolerate such tyranny and turn-coat traitors! In latter days, such a Benedict Arnold would be hung.

Torture has always been a War tactic. Since the beginning of man –torture has been a popular choice of gathering information. Look how ISIS is using their War Horses. Furthermore, Iraq and other countries frequently use barbaric torture tactics. The Muslim Brotherhood, who the U.S not only trained, but also provided Arms too; now use these Arms and tactics against us! Heads of Americans have actually started to roll. Like it or not –WW3 is starting to wind up, and, it will be brought to American soil this time. America already has Al-Qaida training camps, luring in home-grown turn-coats. Hagel didn’t resign because he approved of Obama’s plans, or lack thereof!

America will be attacked from the inside, at the same moment our Borders will be invaded. Anyone with a salt of political/war knowledge, has to have slowly noticed how our own Administration has set us up to fail. They have financially crippled our Military; spread us so thin, protecting America in a moment’s notice is unlikely. America is open to attack at this very moment. In fact, we are being attacked right at this moment. American hostages are being kidnapped and beheaded. Our Government doing virtually nothing.

Release the report, or not; I don’t care! I just wish Congress would do something to protect us –the American People. At the very least, as much as they do for other countries! Additionally, we should protect ourselves first; kind of like an oxygen mask on an airplane –you have to take care of yourself in order to be strong enough to help others. America needs to protect Her Charges, swiftly deal with Our Foes. Hell, one better – bring our military home to secure the US -let the others fight it out –then, we’ll deal with who’s left. I don’t have an issue playing by their rules! Hope they can take as much as they dish out!

Torture for Torture!!!!!!!

Sometimes one must sink to another’s level to be understood!