Tortilla Soup!

By Katherine @pbrunnerblog

How in the world is it May? What? Where did time go? What I really should be asking is how in the world is it actually cool outside in Texas in May? I'm not complaining! I am loving this mini winter we are getting, and what better way to celebrate than with a South Texas favorite like Tortilla Soup?

Besides good ole tomato soup, Tortilla Soup is my absolute favorite. You can add so many toppings to it, and chips are the perfect side dish to this. I mean, who doesn't like a recipe that basically requires chips? Especially tortilla chips.

You can be classy and set them nicely on the slide, or you could be like me. What do I mean you may ask?

I mean that you could crush the chips and sprinkle them on top of your soup and add a little bit of cheese. That's perfection in my book. 

 You can also add avocado to this savory soup. Avocado seems to have quite the internet fan club, so I think it's time that I joined the party.

Anyways I've decided once and for all that it's time to stop singing the winter blues. It's May for crying out loud! This Tortilla Soup can be our last hoorah to winter and cool weather! So go make this and be done with it! :)

Tortilla Soup


  • 1 Large onion
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, mashed or cut finely
  • 2 cans rotel tomatoes (One hot, one regular, and I put a LOT more than this)
  • 2 cans tomato soup
  • ¼ - ½ cilantro
  • 2 tsp. ground cumin
  • 2-3 tblschili power
  • 1 tsp salt,
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • 1 Tbls of worcestershire sauce
  • 6-9 chicken breasts (depending on how much you want)
  • Avocado (as much as you want in your soup)

Boil the chicken in a large pot filled ¾ with water. You'll be using the chicken broth as a base for the soup. Cut the onion and add to the broth. Add all other ingredients. Make sure all the ingredients are in the pot, then cut chicken into bite sized pieces and add to soup. The soup is better after simmering for 2 hours, but usually I can't wait that long! It's still good immediatley though! Also, to speed things up, we've used rotisserie chicken and chicken broth. This can dock a good hour off the prep time!This soup is good with so many toppings, but my personal favorites are tortilla strips/chips, avocado, and lots of cheese.
Enjoy and Happy May Day!