Top Wedding Questions You Should Ask

By David @Topweddingwall

Amidst the excitement and stress of planning the wedding and reception, it’s much too easy to ignore smaller details, which ends up resulting in a few tiny, albeit consequent, niggles that can dampen your big day. If you’re hiring a wedding planner, you can be sure that he or she will help you with the most important elements. However, there certainly are some minor details which you should absolutely take into consideration prior to the big day.

While several couples fuss over the seating arrangement for the reception, it’s also important to decide beforehand where you want your guests to sit during the actual ceremony. Some may decide to separate the aisles into His and Hers side, but, a new, emerging trend is to allow both sides of the family to mingle and sit with each other.

The wedding veil, for instance, is another top wedding question that you should ask, preferably to women who have been previously married before. Several brides don’t even bother asking what to do about the veil until they find themselves become all hot and itchy after the ceremony. Fact is, the veil can get into your face during the first dance. This is why it’s important to establish in advance whether you want to remove the veil right after the ceremony or right before the reception. For convenience’s sake, some brides take the veil off after the ceremony and put it back on to take pictures.

Another question that many brides neglect to ask is whether they should remove their engagement rings before walking down the aisle. You will be having another ring on the same finger in a mere few minutes. So, should you remove your diamond or keep it on? It is, after all, tradition to for your most important ring to be lower down your finger. Hence, you may either hand your engagement ring to the bridesmaids for safekeeping until after the ceremony, or, if you don’t care about symbolism, you may even wear your wedding ring right above the diamond.

You should also decide how you want to greet the guests at the reception. It’s quite important to decide this point beforehand because everyone at the reception will want to talk to you, which can get quite overwhelming. Thus, the bride and groom can either walk around tables to mingle with guests or choose to host a receiving line.