Top Wedding Locations in Italy

By Claire

When the spe­cial day comes to offi­cially com­mit to your part­ner for life, there could not be a more roman­tic place to do so than Italy. The incred­i­ble his­tory, gor­geous archi­tec­ture, rolling land­scapes, vibrant cul­ture and fan­tas­tic city views are enough to make this coun­try the most pro­found place to become bride and groom. Italy has a rich Renais­sance artis­tic fla­vor along with its warm and friendly atmos­phere that stems back decades, leav­ing the city brew­ing with mag­i­cally gor­geous sites to plan one of the most impor­tant days of your life.


Of course, Rome! Rome has long been one of the most pop­u­lar places to have a reli­gious wed­ding. With the Vat­i­can City state – the seat of the Pope, the spir­i­tual leader of the world­wide Catholic Church – sit­ting within Rome, the reli­gious nature of the entire coun­try here finds its flour­ish­ing. As one of the most ancient cities of the world, Rome has plenty of antique cas­tles, palaces, vil­las, cathe­drals, and churches where other wed­dings from cen­turies ago took place. And of course there are all the famous remains of Roman Empire. How amazing!


Flo­rence is a lovely site to plan your wed­ding cer­e­mony, with its excel­lent vil­las and enchant­ing and dreamy atmos­phere. This pop­u­lar Ital­ian city may be one of the most ador­ing places to con­sider for an Ital­ian wed­ding. Walk­ing through the city of Flo­rence, the array of ancient archi­tec­ture, rolling plains and the warm invit­ing cul­ture will not cease to amaze you. The his­toric won­der of the Palazzo Pitti museum with its wall-to-wall Renais­sance art is sure to bond you and your new part­ner together as you walk through it hand in hand. Florence’s deli­cious Tus­can cui­sine is sure to delight your recep­tion guests as they enjoy the inti­mate atmos­phere with the area’s rivers and boat rides that com­pletely cap­ture the magic of this momen­tous occa­sion. The scenery all around Flo­rence is adorned with breath­tak­ing archi­tec­ture framed by col­or­ful shrub­bery, mak­ing your spe­cial day absolutely unforgettable.


Chi­anti is a coun­try­side region in Tus­cany, between Flo­rence and Siena. And it is one of the most stun­ning wed­ding loca­tions in all of Tus­cany. While the land­scapes will please the eyes of your guests, the wine and food will cer­tainly plea­sure your palate! The Chi­anti area is par­tic­u­larly pop­u­lar for its hills, moun­tains, land­scapes, medieval towns, and loca­tions for mar­riages. Mar­ry­ing in Chi­anti means hav­ing a great choice of venues for both your wed­ding and recep­tion, with its typ­i­cal farm hol­i­day houses, man­sions, and rentals. Indeed, the choices for mar­riage loca­tions here are amaz­ing, and it may take some time to work through the many choices avail­able. Most of the loca­tions for wed­dings are medieval cas­tles set in the cen­ter of small towns. Think about an ancient adven­ture, with tur­rets lit up at night by can­dle­light, with the best damask table linens and ancient per­form­ers to enter­tain your guests!

Como Lake

Como Lake is the most lov­ing and amaz­ing of the Ital­ian lakes. It is located in the north part of the coun­try, within one hour of four air­ports and com­pletely linked with all the major Ital­ian and West­ern loca­tions. The mod­er­ate weather con­di­tions make it pos­si­ble to have a vari­ety of won­der­ful events in the region from April until Octo­ber. Apart from a rich cre­ative and tra­di­tional pat­ri­mony, the river area is full of char­ac­ter­is­tic paths, pro­vides many climb­ing adven­tures, aquatic sports, spec­tac­u­lar cruise trips, and wine trips. It is a per­fect loca­tion for you and your vis­i­tors before and after your wedding.

Amalfi Coast

Amalfi Coast mar­riages are the most lov­ing way to get mar­ried in the south of Italy. Cou­ples from all over the world, and espe­cially Ital­ians who have been liv­ing abroad for many years, come to the Amalfi Coast to get mar­ried. Brides who have Amalfi Coast mar­riages get to enjoy the rich lifestyle and his­tory of Italy, the amaz­ing scenery, and roman­tic mar­riage loca­tions. Often rec­og­nized as the most won­der­ful expanse of coast­line in Italy, the Amalfi Coast scenery offers a strong geog­ra­phy, includ­ing high cliff­side streets and pic­turesque beauty. For big­ger events you may select a cel­e­bra­tory fin­ish with a DJ, dance and sup­per fol­low­ing your Amalfi Coast mar­riage. Many resorts and restau­rants offer won­der­ful can­dle­light wed­dings for Amalfi Coast brides.

Fol­low­ing your sun­down Amalfi Coast mar­riage, you and your vis­i­tors can tra­verse the maze of roads to the shore. There are a few lit­tle and won­der­ful din­ing places right on the beach in Posi­tano that are styl­ish yet inti­mate and relaxed for a small wed­ding. Guests can have din­ner at a pre­de­ter­mined menu that you select, with only the best regional cui­sine and seafood from the ocean just a few foot­steps away. Fol­low­ing your sup­per wed­ding recep­tion, you and your part­ner can take a moon­lit stroll along the sea or even go to the regional disco with your vis­i­tors for bev­er­ages and dancing!


With dozens of canals, bridges and water­fronts, Venice is the per­fect place for not only wed­dings, but roman­tic wed­ding pho­tos. Say your vows in a local church and then cap­ture your hap­pi­ness for­ever with pic­tures at the Rialto Bridge or Ponte delle Guglie. You can also attach “love locks” to the Ponte Mil­vio or Ponte del Accad­e­mia, swear­ing your devo­tion with the tan­gi­ble turn of a key. New­ly­weds might also be inter­ested in shar­ing a kiss under the Bridge of Sighs, because accord­ing to leg­end, lovers who kiss under the Bridge of Sighs while rid­ing a gon­dola at sun­set are eter­nally blessed.

Forte dei Marmi

Does your heart yearn for the sea? Con­sider walk­ing down the aisle in Forte dei Marmi. With incred­i­ble views of the Tyrrhen­ian Sea, it’s one of the top tourist islands in all of Italy, offer­ing its vis­i­tors every­thing from crum­bling 17th cen­tury archi­tec­ture to miles and miles of the starkly beau­ti­ful coast. Many cou­ples get mar­ried in out­door cer­e­monies with noth­ing but rings and a makeshift altar, in full view of nature and the world, unable to part with the majesty of the waves for even a moment.


Pietrasanta is a hid­den gem of Italy, a small town tucked away in the cor­ner of Tus­cany. Col­or­ful houses dot the coast­line while the Apuane Alps rise gen­tly in east, and the Tyrrhen­ian Sea beck­ons with gold sand beaches in the west. A charm­ing lit­tle town, cut off the “go, go, go” men­tal­ity of the rest of Italy, Pietrasanta is a won­der­ful place to “get away from it all” and com­mit to your part­ner with your undi­vided atten­tion. No crowds, no stress, no dis­trac­tion: just you, your vows and your future.

Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre is an ancient, styl­ish Ital­ian town that will make your wed­ding day visu­ally stun­ning. If you really enjoy marine life or just being near the sea, Cinque Terre’s Ital­ian Riv­iera is excel­lent and sur­pris­ingly afford­able for a wed­ding abroad. The delight­fully hum­ble and col­or­ful vil­lages that lie along the coast­line near Cinque Terre will truly amaze your guests. The deli­cious nat­ural scents of Ital­ian cui­sine from the ter­races, along with the cozy sun­set back­drop and pic­turesque inter­twin­ing vine­yards, will fas­ci­nate you from the dawn of your wed­ding day to the end.


Per­haps best known for its Lean­ing Tower, the city of Pisa actu­ally has quite a lot more to offer vis­i­tors. There are the ancient churches of St. Fran­cis and St. Six­tus, the botan­i­cal gar­dens of Orto botan­ico di Pisa, and the entire area of Piazza dei Mira­coli, or Cathe­dral Square. You can also explore the Villa di Cor­liano (a pic­turesque villa in Tus­cany) or refresh your chivalry at the Palazzo dei Cav­a­lieri (Palace of the Con­voy) in Knights’ Square. Not only will you find ample places in Pisa to actu­ally host your cer­e­mony, but your wed­ding pho­tographs will be beau­ti­ful, full of cul­ture and one-of-a-kind.

The Author

Cris­tiano Brizzi is an Ital­ian wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher noted for his cre­ative and roman­tic style of pho­tog­ra­phy. He and his team are com­mit­ted to cap­tur­ing all the raw emo­tions of that unfor­get­table day, just the way the cou­ple wants to remem­ber it. Cris­tiano Brizzi will add that touch of imag­i­na­tion that is needed to cap­ture the entire magic of the day from dawn until dusk.