Top Ways You Can Promote Your Company Through Instagram

Posted on the 17 December 2021 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

If you have been planning in updating your company's marketing plan then it is vital that you now include social media in it. Social media is quickly becoming the must have marketing strategy for any business that also has a website online.

All search engines such as Google now require that your company has a social media presence online in order to get better search engine results. One of the fastest growing and most popular of all the social media sites is Instagram. This is a photo and video based site that allows users to like and share media with their friends and family members.

The users also have followers and follow others similar in the way that Twitter does. The following are just a few ways that you can promote your company through Instagram.

Your Hashtags Need to be Unique

Hashtags are very important on Instagram as this is a way that people can search for your products and services. One thing you need to do is create a unique hashtag that describes your business or your product.

Other hashtags that you use can be common ones in order to have a better chance at your photo being searched for. The unique hashtag must be used on each and every photo that you post so that customers and potential customers recognize it as a part of your branding.

When people search for your hashtag, the result will be every photo or video that you have posted to Instagram. The reason why this is important is because a new follower may not know about other products you offer and by searching your hashtag, they can see your entire line.

Place Geographic Tags on Your Photos

If you have a brick and mortar building as well as a website where you sell your products then you have to include geotags on your media. Geotags allow your followers to see where your business is physically located in the real world and can bring you customers to this aspect of your company.

It can also allow you to get business for your website from people who may not be in your area but who are close. Shipping times are important to many people and if they are closer than another company that offers the same products then they feel they will get their orders quicker. A product going to California from New York will take more time than a product going to California from Oregon.

Allow Employee Access

As with Twitter, the main goal of Instagram is to get more followers on your page and for those who are just starting out; buying Instagram followers can be the best way to get high numbers until you can put in the work. Another way to get more followers is to allow your employees to post on your business Instagram account.

Their friends will also follow you and this can create a chain reaction that takes on a life of its own. Also, you build a trust when your followers see that your employees also use your products. If they are happy with what you offer then strangers would also be happy and this creates a loyal base of followers.

Any company that wants to be successful must have a social media presence and it must include an Instagram account. Do you have any other effective ways to promote your business on Instagram, share it in comments below !!!